These Top Tips will Help you to Become a Master Traveller

If you are a seasoned traveller but find that you make mistakes time and time again, then this guide will help you to step things up a bit, while also perfecting your routine so you can become a master at everything travel-related.


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Always take a Towel

The key to any successful trip would be for you to take a towel. You truly never know when you are going to need it. It may be that you take a trip to the beach, or that you try and dry off after a dip in the pool. A lot of hotels do offer towels, but carrying a small one with you can provide you with shade from the sun, and a way to cool off if you find the heat gets too much. Simply dip it in some water, and put it on the back of your neck for instant heatwave relief.

Buy a Small Suitcase

A lot of people think that they need a huge backpack or suitcase when they go travelling. This is not the case at all. In fact, if you take a small backpack with you, then you may find that you are forced to just take the essentials. You will also be pushed into packing light, and this can really work in your favour. Remember, it’s fine for you to wear the same t-shirt a couple of days in a row. If you can, you also need to make sure that you write down all of the essentials you may need, and then cut it in half. You’d be surprised at how much stuff you can pick up when you are out and on the go, so don’t worry about taking moisturiser or things like that.

Be smart with how you take your money

Disasters can happen at the end of the day, and it’s a good idea for you to have a backup access in case you get robbed, or in case you lose your card. The last thing you want is to be stuck somewhere completely new to you, without any access to your funds. You should not give banks your money either. Try and make sure that you are using a no-fee card, so you can really enjoy your travels. Get a credit card or a debit card that does not charge you if you make foreign transactions when transferring large amounts of money abroad, and also make sure that there is no ATM fee either. Over the course of your trip, you may find that these small charges do add up.

Try Solo Travel

When you solo travel, you may find that you end up learning a lot about yourself and it may even teach you to become more independent as well. Travelling solo teaches you how to fend for yourself, how to communicate with people and also how to handle situations that may be somewhat unfamiliar. It also gives you the chance to be much more comfortable with yourself, and it shows you what you are capable of as well. It can take some getting used to, but at the end of the day, it also allows you to push yourself in ways you never thought possible. If you want some activities you can do solo, why not check out the HMAS Brisbane Dive?

New York itinerary 4 days

Don’t be Shy about Using a Map

Believe it or not, looking like a tourist isn’t as bad as actually getting lost and finding that you are in the complete wrong neighbourhood. Don’t be shy about using a map and also do not be afraid to ask for directions if you truly need them. After all, it’ll help you out quite a lot and it will also give you a reference point, depending on where you are.

Get Lost Sometimes

Having a map is great, and it stops you from getting lost. That being said, sometimes, getting lost on purpose is a good thing. It helps to go off the beaten path and it also helps to get away from the tourists too. You may be surprised to see all the hidden gems that you may come across.

Noosa coastal walk

Always Visit the Tourism Office

The great thing about visiting a tourist office is that they know about everything that could be going on in the local town. Whether you’re looking for a local dive shop or you want tips o the best places to eat, they’ll be able to help. They will also be aware of any special events that could be happening too. After all, it is their job to help you experience the destination to the best of your ability, and it is amazing to see how many travellers simply skip out on things like this when it’s actually a super useful source of information.






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