Think Like a Sommelier: How to Combine Wine with Different Types of Dinner

A perfect balance between wine and your dinner should define both the aroma of grapes and the condiments of your meal. Food and wine pairing may seem complicated at first, but our tips and infographic available below will help you fully understand this correlation.


Cheese – the most popular wine and food pairing example. It still doesn’t mean that every wine will taste incredible with cheese. There are a few combos you might find divine. For example, if you are a white wine enthusiast, try pairing Pinot Gris with a goat, Edam, or Gouda cheese. It is also worth mentioning that some cheeses suit both red and white wines. Asiago, for example, will work well both with Zinfandel as well as Sauvignon Blanc. If you want to extract the full potential of this composition don’t hesitate to buy wine in several variations and experiment a little to find your match.


Wine can make the taste of meat milder and defined. Our most popular and beloved choice, chicken, pairs amazingly with both white and red wines, for instance, with Riesling and Merlot. Some unique meat variations such as Italian sausage or spare ribs might taste best with a glass of dry Zinfandel.


There are two types of white wines that might pair well with most of the seafood options – Chenin Blanc and Pinot Gris. The first one suits flounder, halibut, and snapper fish best. Pinot Gris, on the other hand, tastes incredibly good with catfish, crab, and lobster. “What about shrimps?” you may ask. Riesling is the answer!

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits can be a perfect addition to your cheese plate. Most of them pair with red wines such as Pinot Noir, which tastes marvelous with figs, strawberries, or plumps. On the other hand, citruses will deliver you a divine food experience while accompanied by Sauvignon Blanc. If your course prevails in tomatoes, pepper, or mushrooms, you might want to try Pinot Gris to slightly define the taste with sweeter undertones of wine.

Pairing your wine with food is not as complicated as you might think. Once you learn which level of sweetness suits some of your favorite vegetables, meats, and seafood, you can gain real knowledge of a sommelier and create blissful experiences accompanied by wine. Use the infographic below to enrich your dinners with luscious tastes.

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